Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Amazing Trip

So my trip with my dad is over now. I'm glad this was the first thing off my 30 before 30 list, makes it almost feel more special.

I got home yesterday at around dinner time and I have to say, I had such an amazing trip! Both girls were great on the flights, both out there and back home. We missed our first flight and ended up having to catch a later plane. Normally this would have been frustrating to me, but it was nice to be able to relax at the airport, grab some drinks and eat breakfast before getting on the plane a few hours later. I was nervous that they were going to freak out on the ride but they ended up having a blast. We watched TV, read books, colored and played with new toys.

Helene was happy that she got to eat all sorts of candy while on the airplane, we don't do much candy in the house.

North Carolina was fun, got to spend a lot of time with my step mom, Kelly. She's hilarious and so much fun to talk to. Every morning we'd sit and talk for hours, drinking coffee until the kids got up. We got so much closer over those awesome talks. We turned the hot tub down as low as possible and let the kids get in and splash around for a bit. I didn't want them in too long though, because they are still little and their bodies can't take the heat. They thought it was and awesome treat to get to play and splash around. Emma only got her feet and hands in, as I was too worried about the heat, but she thought it was cool to splash about in the water.

It rained basically the whole time we were in NC, so we didn't get out to see much of anything. Kelly and I did get some shopping time in though. Helene got to run around in the back yard with the dogs while it rained, because it was still warm out. She thought that was amusing, though she kept trying to hide under a little tree that wasn't much bigger then her.

My cousin Melissa and her family came out on Saturday and we got to eat dinner (dad made pizza) and get to know each other better. The kids had fun playing, drawing and kicking the soccer ball around the back yard. They have three boys, the youngest is 7 months so even Emma had a playmate! After the left I packed our bags back up to get ready for our 7 hour road trip down to Atlanta.

Helene had fun on the road trip, she talked the WHOLE time, telling us stories and singing songs. Emma slept the whole trip, only waking up for food and diaper changes. We got in right before dinner. My aunt Cory made ham and homemade mac n' cheese! So, so good. After dinner we sat out on the porch and chatted while Helene played for a while. The next morning we got up and had breakfast and went out to the park. The park there was huge, with three different play structures and a light/music game thing. Helene got to climb and run and slide and play with her fantastic family members. I tried to take Emma down one of the bigger slides but she flipped out and screamed and I felt like the biggest jerk. So we went and sat down in the sade and watched while everyone played.

Saying goodbye was difficult, I don't know when we'll get to see them again and I miss them so very much already.

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