Thursday, October 6, 2011

In the works

 Currently I've been working on a few of the items on this list.

     My mom and I are planning on going down on a Saturday to a sewing class so I can finally learn to use my machine. I've been dreaming of all the amazing things I will create with it, and have a million patterns bookmarked and waiting for me. Also, Pintrest is looking more and more awesome as I get closer to actually being able to create some of the things I have pinned.

     I still cannot find my poor Bible from the move, so I might have to go out and buy a new one. I could use my hubby's but its falling apart from use. I'll give it another week and then I'll go shopping. Yay for more reasons to shop!

     I have found a willing teacher to show me how to crochet. She's been a bit on the busy side with two little one underfoot, but once things settle a bit for her we'll be getting together. I'd love to know how to make something and finish it before the weather gets too hot again and there is no need for a scarf or hat, or whatever I end up making. The years of wishing I knew how to crochet are almost over, hurrah!!

   I've got a few other things in the works that I'd rather not talk about yet, because I'm not too sure how they'll work out.